I realize it has been a while. Nearly seven months you say? Ouch. Bringing back the blog is one of my goals for the new year, and I'm starting with one of my first knitting designs. (Actually, in the interst of being honest, let's make that "first and only".)
If you're a World of Warcrafter, the image of the Hearthstone will be very familiar to you; if you're not a Warcrafter, let's just say that it's important because it takes you back to your home base.
The hat part of the pattern isn't perfect but I do like the actual Hearthstone. I worked it in Patons Classic Merino Wool (100% merino, worsted weight) in Too Teal and Natural Mix.
Please feel free to use and adapt this pattern if you like it; I only ask that you let me know that you've done so (and send a picture, if you can!) Feel free to contact me with questions if you've got 'em.