Monday, July 26, 2004

updates are for suckas

Updates aren't really for suckas; I actually wrote a lengthy one earlier this week and then my computer spazzed out and ate it.  Perhaps it is hungry and I ought to feed it; or at the very least, make myself lunch for work today, since I'm leaving in 15 or so minutes.

It has been a very draining couple of weeks. We are on a different schedule now at THSWSNBN that actually involves working less...but I actually feel like I'm working more.  I think I just need to start spending my days off doing nothing except sleeping and suntanning, and then I'll feel more like I'm actually getting time off.  I filmed an episode of a French kids' tv show...which will eventually air...I'm interested to see how it turns out.

Of course, having complained about the time off thing, I am headed to the t-dot tonight to see Les Frères Finn at Massey Hall, and then booting it back to North Bay for the next few days before returning to work as Simon Desfosses on Thursday.  Damn, it feels good to be a soldier...

In last night's DnD session, I successfully killed a black dragon. It was awesome.


Anonymous said...

Black dragon?! Wooh! Was it a grown-up or a baby? Mmmm.. give my love to the Finns.

Anonymous said...

Er, and that was Tinka, btw.

The Writer said...

You truly are an odd duck, Ms. Rhi. But hey, odd ducks are the best kind. Right?