Thursday, July 29, 2004

...lying in the depths of your imagination...

First things first, of course.  The Finn(s) were bloody incredible; this was the third time I've seen them in the last year and a half or so, and easily one of the best performances (and venues).  It makes me sad when they talk about playing the Masonic Temple in 1980 as Split Enz, though, I wasn't even born then.  The merch table actually yielded an autographed copy of One Nil for me and an autographed copy of Tim's CD for dad.  They covered a lot of both the Enz and Crowded House stuff, which was just...wonderful.  Especially "Weather With You."  The fact that a ringtone exists of that song makes me want to own a fact, I would probably call myself just to hear it.

My two days in North Bay were also quite nice; I went to a shower for the soon-to-be-weds, got my hair fixed (a cut and two colours of foil highlights--it looks quite fetching now), bought a ridiculous amount of books from the secondhand bookstore,  and spent some quality time with people that I will soon be missing very much.

I have an apartment in Guelph; this is one less pressure gone.


The Writer said...

Kudos on the appartment. I've one in B-C...wanna visit?

fineskylark said...

They played "six months in a leaky boat"; "I got you"; "I see red"; and something else that I'm forgetting right now...poor old memory.

Straittohell said...

I don't think there were any other Split Enz than what you mentioned... though my memory is even more feeble than yours.